Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Solemnity of the Nativity of the Sweet Baby

Saturday was the Solemnity of the Natvity of my beloved daughter. She was born one year ago. In truth, she took a giant leap forward by now being able to use a new, forward-facing car seat (thanks to her Mimi!).

A great time was had by all. She was able to see her grandparents, aunt, uncle, and two cousins (on my wife's side). There was much eating, a visit to a pumpkin patch and hay ride (they really have autumn in Atlanta, unlike here in Tallahassee!), her aunt's chocolate cupcakes, and a birthday party. The only bad thing was our Sweet Baby's unfortunate tummy ache, as she is not used to chocolate. It was still cute seeing her eat it.

I would ask for your prayers that she have another great year this year. It has been a blessing to see her grow so much in such a short time. She's already starting to walk some. I'm really looking forward to her language acquisition (we'll probably start with just English and Latin; Greek, Hebrew, etc. can come later).

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